Nov 3, 2011

Siri Experiencing Significant Outage

While Apple's new Siri personal assistant for the iPhone 4S experiencing a few hiccups in availability just after the device's launch last month, a new widespread outage appears to be the most significant one since those first few days. The Siri problems have been ongoing for at least three hours, with only intermittent service available over that time. In general, users have been faced with error messages in which Siri reports being unable to connect to the network. 

Apple has labeled Siri as a beta service and is no doubt continuing to refine the technology and infrastructure behind the feature. Apple has rapidly rolled out the iPhone 4S to nearly 30 countries already with another 15 set to come online next week, although Siri currently offers support only in English (US, UK, and Australia), French, and German.

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