Dec 21, 2012

Apple reportedly in talks with Foursquare for data-sharing deal

The Wall Street Journal is reporting about Apple having discussions with Foursquare for a data sharing plan. It is told that SVP Eddy Cue is leading discussions and that he is trying to improve a Maps App that has failed to stand up to Apple’s expectations.

"Apple Inc. is in early discussions to integrate local data from Foursquare Labs Inc. into its mapping application, according to people familiar with the talks, as the company continues to build an arsenal of local data to try to take on Google Inc."

Apple wants to integrate Foursquare's data in it's Maps App because it has information about local businesses and even allows users to leave comments and tis to other users. 
This report comes days after Google launched their Maps App on the AppStore and with downloads of over 10 Million in the first 48 hours.

We will see how this deal will finalize but one thing is sure, Eddy Cue has been posting Foursquare check-ins on his Twitter account.

Image Courtesy/Source: Apple
Author: BBS

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