Mar 10, 2013

Steve Jobs' 4000 Latte prank order lives on at San Francisco Starbucks

At the launch of the original iPhone, Steve Jobs created a moment for which he will be remembered long time ago. This moment was one of the biggest laughs in his carrer. Te demonstrate the phone function of the newly introduced iPhone, he prank called a local Starbucks store and ordered 4.000 Lattes on the go. Just quickly before he hung up, he told the barista "No, just kidding. Wrong number! Goodbeye!" 

"With help from Starbucks, Fast Company was able to track down Zhang, a soft-spoken barista who goes by "Hannah." Sincere and sweet, Hannah has been working at the same Starbucks for more than a half-decade. "Honestly, I was shocked," she recalls. "I have never heard somebody order 4,000 lattes to go. I didn't say anything because I was shocked. But my first impression was that he was just being humorous. He sounded like a gentleman."

The manager and the barista didn't knew until now what was with that prank phone call. They said that such an order would take 48 hours to be delivered but no one makes such a large order for real.

Steve Jobs wasn't making his first prank phone call bak then. Together with Steve Wozniak they tried to call the Pope at the time they were in high school.

Image Courtesy/Source: Agile Dudes, Youtube

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