Apr 7, 2012

Steve Jobs' rage over Android Was Real

Steve Jobs' rage over Android was something real, not just for the entertainment  of this business. He said that Google is copying iOS with Android and that history is repeating itself with this case remembering of Microsoft. Jobs said at that time that Microsoft is riping The Macintosh of:

He did the integrated system again, iPod, iPad, and it worked, “but what happens? Google rips it off”. 

Isaacson continued: “It's almost copied verbatim by Android. And then they licence it around promiscuously. And then Android starts surpassing Apple in market share, and this totally infuriated him. It wasn't a matter of money. He said: 'You can't pay me off, I'm here to destroy you'.”

It is a great chance that Tim Cook will settle Apple's lawsuits with at's competitors.

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  1. Really... and by the same token, Apple ripped of the tablet idea from Microsoft... come on people, you cannot have ownership of an idea.

    Jobs was pissed because he realized his stupid ass closed software model would be even shorter lived than he thought.

    But Apple has made it VERY high anyway, it's going to be a long, long fall.

  2. At some point in my life I'd honestly hoped love would rescue me from the cold, drafty castle I lived in. But at another point, much earlier I think, I'd quietly begun to hope for nothing at all in the way of love, so as not to be disappointed. It works. It gets to be a habit.
