Aug 24, 2011

'The 9/11 Memorial: Past, Present and Future' App to be iPad Exclusive

Documentary film producer and web developer Steve Rosenbaum's "The 9/11 Memorial: Past, Present and Future" app is an interactive look at the history of the World Trade Center. It chronicles the original development of the towers, the 9/11 attacks, and the lengthly rebuilding process of the memorial and museum. 

The New York Observer reports the app will have 400 still photographs and hours of video clips. Rosenbaum says the app lays out the experience in bold chunks: "here's the story before, when the World Trade Center was being built, and then after it was built, and the day of the attacks, and what's happened since." 

Aside from the moving content, Rosenbaum picked the iPad for the project because he felt it was the best overall device to display it. 

“I wanted it to be more of an immersive experience,” he said. “The nature of the photographs are so powerful, so to render them in anything but full color seemed wrong to me. And I didn’t want it to be viewed on a phone. I wanted it to be big and glossy.” 

Apple apparently liked the idea... he submitted his app last week expecting it to take several weeks to get through the company’s notoriously opaque vetting system. “It got approved in a day and a half.” 

He’s hoping for some significant promotion in the app store, since apps that aren’t featured can easily be overlooked, but he noted that there are no guarantees. “I’ve asked around, and apparently they have a bunch of people that have a meeting every week on Thursday or Friday, and they pitch. But it’s a closed system. They may choose it and they may not.”

The 9/11 Memorial: Past, Present and Future will be available free on the App Store from September 1 through September 12, and be $9.95 thereafter. 

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