Aug 26, 2011

Photos of iPhone 4S/5 Logic Board Suggest A5 Processor

This pictures came today out. It seems they are from one next generation iPhone, but not sure which. The iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5.

In comparison to the two iPhone 4 models, the CMDA and the GSM version this seems like a mix between twe tho boards. It's like the CMDA version but it has a SIM slot.

Front of CDMA (top) and GSM (bottom) iPhone 4 logic boards (Source: iFixit)

The place of the processor is rectangular, like it would fit the A5 unit. Now, we don't know if Apple will put the A5 chipset on it's cheaper model, the iPhone 4S because of the costs. We think this is the iPhone 5 logic board.

The board is cut like the CMDA verion of the iPhone 4, this suggests that it has the same vibrator like the Verizon iPhone but also holds a SIM card slot. Now, a processor that can run on both, CMDA and GSM networks is a Qualcom unit, found in the actual CMDA version.
We don't know by now wether this is from the next 4S or 5 iPhone.
The board isn't labeled in order to find out what make or what chip unit it will have but it's sure that it is from a next generation iPhone.

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