Aug 10, 2011

Fake Apple iPhone 5 Website 'Leak' Video

Based on the number of submissions we're still getting for this fake iPhone 5 "leak", it seems we need to acknowledge it. The video has been circulating for a few days, but seems to have hit its stride in the last 24 hours. 

The video claims to show the iPhone 5 discovered by a mistake on one of Apple's international sites. Here's the video for reference: 

We never posted it because it was a clear fake. We post it here, only to try to avoid ongoing submissions about it. TUAW did their own debunking of the video, but the clearest evidence is that the first frame of the video shows all the pages were loaded off the creator's hard drive before the Apple urls were edited in. 

The other pretty clear evidence is that while public Apple website leaks have happened in the past, it's not something that only one person with a screen capture program happens to see. A mistake like that spreads, and fast.

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